My name is Venera Arnaoudova (pronounced: Ven-air-uh  Are-now-oo-dova). I am an Associate Professor at Washington State University in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). I am currently the Interim Associate Director of the School of EECS.

Previously, I had the opportunity to work as a postdoctoral research fellow with Dr. Andrian Marcus at The University of Texas at Dallas. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering in 2014 from Polytechnique Montréal (Canada) under the supervision of Dr. Giuliano Antoniol and Dr. Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc. In 2008, I received my master degree in Computer Science from Concordia University (Montréal, Canada). In 2006, I received my bachelor degree in Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Automation from Polytech’Lille (Lille, France).

My research interest is in the domain of software engineering and particularly, software evolution, empirical software engineering, program comprehension, analysis of source code lexicon and documentation, refactoring, patterns, and anti-patterns.


School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Washington State University
355 NE Spokane St.
PO Box 642752
Pullman, WA, 99164-2752 U.S.A.

Phone: (509) 335-1360
Fax: (509) 335-3818
Office: EME 127 (send an email for an appointment if you cannot make it to office hours)

Fall 2024 office hours:

  • Just show up as needed; there is no need for an appointment during office hours.
  • In-person office hours location: EME 127
  • Zoom office hours link:
    (The Zoom meeting has a waiting list; please be patient and I will let you in when it is your turn.)
  • Days and time: MWF 1:30pm-3:00pm. (I will post updates here if times/dates change.)
    • No office hours on Friday, November 1st.
    • No office hours on Monday, October 28th.
    • No office hours on Monday, October 21st.
    • Friday, September 27th, the schedule for my office hours will be slightly different: 2:00pm-3:30pm
    • No office hours on Monday, August 26; instead, I will hold office hours on Tuesday, August 27, 3:30-5:00pm.

Fall 2024 teaching schedule:

  • CptS 321: MWF 4:10-5:00pm (Spark G45)


  • 2023/03/27: Congratulations Shira Feinberg for winning the Crimson Award at the WSU annual Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA) in Spring 2023. The Crimson Award is the top award given at SURCA. Excellent mentoring Ziyi and Devjeet!
  • 2022/05/11: Very honored to receive a Distinguished Reviewer Award at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2022! Thank you for the recognition ICSE and a huge shout-out to my students for their hard and exceptional work!!!
  • 2021/10/22: Congratulations Fiorella, Saghan and the rest of the team! Our paper Using Code Reviews to Automatically Configure Static Analysis Tools was accepted for publication at the Empirical Software Engineering Journal (EMSE)!
  • 2021/10/01: Honored to receive a Distinguished Reviewer Award at the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME) 2021! Thank you for the recognition ICSME!
  • 2021/09/29: Very excited that our proposal Interdisciplinary Graduate Training Program in AI and Data Science for Complex Engineering Applications (TAIDCEA) has been funded by the Department of Education! The overall goal is to educate and train the highest quality domestic Ph.D. students at the intersections of AI, data science, and engineering, in particular software and power engineering. We are committed to actively recruit, mentor, and retain students from underrepresented groups in Engineering and Computer Science, including women, black, and Hispanic students. Stay tuned for more news!
  • 2021/08/28: Honored to receive a Distinguished Reviewer Award at the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) 2021! Thank you for the recognition ESEC/FSE!
  • 2021/07/17: Congratulations Anthony and Christian! Our paper IDEAL: An Open-Source Identifier Name Appraisal Tool was accepted and will be presented at the ICSME’21 Demonstrations track!
  • 2021/05/23: I am honored to receive a Service Recognition Award at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC) 2021 where I served as ERA Track Co-Chair.
  • 2021/05/20: Super proud of Devjeet and Sarah (again!) for their paper Re-assessing Automatic Evaluation Metrics for Code Summarization Tasks which has been accepted to ESEC/FSE 2021!
  • 2021/04/19: I am very honored to receive the 2021 EECS Early Career Award! As usual a big thank you to my students for their hard work!
  • 2021/02/08: I have been granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor! Very excited for this new chapter of my career and extremely grateful to my mentors (for their guidance), students (for their hard work and for sticking with me 🙂 ), and my family and friends (for their continuous support)!
  • 2021/01/21: Congratulations Sarah, Dave, Harry, and Tyler! Our paper gazel: Supporting Source Code Edits in Eye-Tracking Studies  was accepted and will be presented at the ICSE’21 Demonstrations track!
  • 2020/11/09: Distinguished Reviewer Award at the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) 2020! Thank you for the recognition ESEC/FSE!
  • 2020/09/22: I am honored to receive the Distinguished Reviewer Award at the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME) 2020!
  • 2020/07/30: Congratulations Dave and Ziyi! Our paper DeepTC-Enhancer: Improving the Readability of Automatically Generated Tests was accepted and will be presented at ASE!
  • 2020/03/02: Congratulations Dave, Sarah, and John! Our paper A Model to Detect Readability Improvements in Incremental Changes was accepted and will be presented at ICPC!
  • 2020/02/02: Congratulations Dave and Sarah! Our tool paper VITALSE: Visualizing Eye Tracking and Biometric Data was accepted and will be presented at ICSE – Tool Demo Track!
  • 2020/01/30: nsf-logo I am honored and extremely excited to be one of the recipients of the NSF CAREER Award this year! Learn more about it here: CAREER: Leveraging Objective Measures for Developers’ Cognitive Load to Identify and Quantify the Impact of Design, Coding, and Review Practices
  • 2020/01/23:  CONGRATULATIONS Sarah for receiving the Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowship! I cannot be more proud of you! Looking forward to a new exciting chapter and great collaborations! #GoCougs